01: Hello, 42!
The basics of an Ebb program; print out 42 for each element of a grid.
These tutorials provide a tour through all of the basic features of Ebb, sufficient to get started writing your own simulations using the standard domains.
The basics of an Ebb program; print out 42 for each element of a grid.
How to use a domain library to load in a mesh from a file and some very basic statistics and computations on that mesh; We use an octahedron to demonstrate.
Basic usage of VDB to generate visual output from Ebb programs; We plot the 6 vertices of the octahedron.
Defining simulation specific data per-mesh-element (fields) and globally; Using these features we make our octahedron oscillate.
How to access data at neighboring elements of the mesh/domain; Now we can write a heat-diffusion on the surface of the Stanford bunny triangle mesh.
A key feature of Ebb is that all functions are safe to parallelize; We explain the rules and show alternative ways of writing the heat diffusion.
Some features of the standard grid domain; we show how to write heat diffusion on a grid, handling both periodic and normal boundary conditions.
Relations are the basic data structure in Ebb that everything else is built out of; we build a torus from scratch and simulate heat diffusion on it.
How to connect and update the relationship between particles and a grid; we advect tracer particles in an evolving heat gradient.
These tutorials introduce the features that let Ebb interoperate with C-code, including how to write custom high-performance File I/O libraries. (familiarity with the introduction tutorials is assumed)
DLDs give us raw access to the simulation memory used by Ebb; we use this access to integrate a piece of unsafe code into an Ebb program.
DLDs can also be used from C code written entirely outside of Ebb and Lua; we link an unsafe C function into an Ebb simulation.
Using DLDs, we can efficiently load data into and dump data out of an Ebb simulation; we write code to load and write OFF triangle mesh files.
Ebb is built on Lua and Terra, which makes using the Ebb runtime from a controlling C program as straightforward as library linking.
These tutorials explain the features that are used to write the standard geometric domain libraries; after reading these tutorials, a programmer should be prepared to start developing their own custom geometric domains. (familiarity with the introduction tutorials is assumed)
Grouping and Querying lets us invert simple relationship between elements; we simulate heat diffusion on a graph encoded with grouping.
A common pattern that enables us to represent arbitrary graph connectivities; We use it to enable access to the triangles around a vertex.
Macros let us hide unintuitive encodings behind more familiar syntax; we clean up the join-table example using macros.
How to use relations to represent data from a grid domain; we show how to build a two-scale coupled grid-to-grid domain for simulation.
Subsets let us execute computations for only parts of a domain; we build subsets to let us express boundary conditions in a grid heat diffusion.